Practical advice


We advise on how to proceed if death occurs as well as how to arrange a funeral

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Pegas CZ

Everything about funeral music: funeral songs, melodies and compositions

Everything about funeral music: funeral songs, melodies and compositions

Funeral music is an important part of a funeral – usually completes the atmosphere at a funeral ceremony. It can also serve different purposes: to remind the deceased and the ...

Condolences to the death, how to condole properly at a funeral and in writing

Condolences to the death, how to condole properly at a funeral and in writing

If you ever lost someone close to you, you know how hard it is to cope with the loss. Support of those who surround you is very important. The easiest thing you can do after y...

Everything about obituary, how to make one

Everything about obituary, how to make one

An obituary is a way to announce the message of a death of a person close to you. An obituary is usually prepared by the organizer of the funeral. Then they personally hand it...

Everything about inheritance, inheritance proceedings and last will

Everything about inheritance, inheritance proceedings and last will

Moments, when somebody close to you passes away, can be very difficult. Besides funeral arrangements, it is often needed to arrange for other administrative tasks. Besides can...

What is necessary when arranging a funeral

What is necessary when arranging a funeral

1.When arranging a funeral, you will need the following: An ID of the deceased (if available) Birth and marriage certificates of the deceased (if available) Clothin...

Where to deliver the clothing for the deceased, funeral shroud

Where to deliver the clothing for the deceased, funeral shroud

Please deliver the clothing you chose for the deceased straight to the office where you arranged the funeral. You do not need to visit the mortuary or the hospital in any case...

Notary proceedings and urn pick-up:

Notary proceedings and urn pick-up:

You will be called on with a letter by the notary to arrange the inheritance proceedings. Urn pick-up The urn will be made available for pick-up at our facility where the fu...

Everything about issuing the death certificate

Everything about issuing the death certificate

What is a death certificate By definition stated in the text of the law, it is a registry document confirming the death of a citizen. It has its own standardized form and ...


Information about widow’s and orphan’s pensions

The applicant applies a claim for pension at the social services office according to the place of their permanent residence. 1.To the application for a widow’s pension, the a...

Time off work for funeral: when can you claim it?

Time off work for funeral: when can you claim it?

In this article, we would like to advise you what you are entitled to in the case of the death of someone close to you. In certain cases, you are entitled to paid days off for...

Arrangement of funeral at home

Arrangement of funeral at home

It is a matter of course that in these hard times in life, which the family of the deceased is going through, we are trying to ease the situation as much as possible. That is ...


Dressing of the deceased

We always provide the final dressing of the deceased before viewing in a casket or before burial according to the individual wishes of the customer. Our workers, as ones of...

Funeral donation – state grant for a funeral:

Funeral donation – state grant for a funeral:

Arranging a funeral can be financially and psychologically overwhelming for the bereaved. A funeral donation, or in other words a state grant for a funeral, is a way how the s...

What is the proper funeral clothing for women, men and children:

What is the proper funeral clothing for women, men and children:

If you are going to a last farewell of your relative or a friend, maybe you would like to know: What should I wear for the funeral? What is the etiquette? With the proper clot...

Funeral feast

Funeral feast

What is a funeral feast and what is the proper name Funeral feast, “tryzna”, “kar”, and sometimes even “trachta” or “trachtace”. What it is? All these names mean the same thi...

Ceremonial halls in Prague

Ceremonial halls in Prague

Which ceremonial halls are in Prague and where can we help you to arrange the funeral? View the list below. In the details page, you may find all the necessary information ...

Funeral speech at a funeral

Funeral speech at a funeral

The last farewell with the deceased may be approached from different angles. Funeral, as a rule, respects either the wishes of the deceased, or the approach is agreed upon amo...

Counsellor for the bereaved

Counsellor for the bereaved

The counsellor for the bereaved takes care of the bereaved systematically and in a nonviolent way helps ease the transition from the first “shock” phase to the phase of “recon...

A guide through the funeral service

A guide through the funeral service

Information for the customer Funeral farewell Please arrive 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony Before the funeral ceremony, you will be asked by the funeral ...


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Budínova 2366/2d (Bulovka)

je plně uzavřena dne 6. 2. 2025


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