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Funeral in church

If you choose a church ceremony in a church or a chapel, we will provide everything needed such as borrowing the catafalque, candlesticks, wreath stands, recorded or live music, priest, even another speaker and specific church ceremonies.

Viewing or the deceased is performed in Prague in accordance with hygienic regulations.

Following cremation can be performed at crematorium in Strašnice, Motol or Tábor.

Are you interested in this service or do you need any help?

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Omezení provozní doby


Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář

Budínova 2366/2d (Bulovka)

je plně uzavřena dne 6. 2. 2025


S úctou tým PEGAS CZ



Partner organizations

We are a proud member of professional organizations and an important partner of these organisations.