Big Ceremonial Hall Strašnice

Hall with capacity of 200 funeral guests, out of that 63 places to sit. equipped with catafalque, tasteful flower decoration and six electric candles.

A place for a speaker and recorded music (with the possibility of bringing own music) are available. This ceremonial hall is heated in the winter months.

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Contact Us

Small ceremonial hall (Baxova), crematorium Strašnice
Vinohradská 2509/ 214
Praha 10 – Krematorium Strašnice

Subway station Želivského (line A) and then tram no. 5, 13, 22, 26 to the station Krematorium Strašnice.

50°04'35.3"N 14°29'05.5"E

Omezení provozní doby


Vážení klienti, naše sjednávací kancelář

Budínova 2366/2d (Bulovka)

je plně uzavřena dne 6. 2. 2025


S úctou tým PEGAS CZ



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